Jason Barnes and Gil Weinberg create a record-breaking prosthetic – Guinness Book Of Records

Jason Barnes is one of a kind – mostly due to his extraordinary passion for drumming.

One of the stars of Guinness World Records 2020, he is featured in the Humans section for holding the record most drumbeats in one minute using a drumstick prosthetic – an achievement he earned using an electromyographic band that senses muscle activity from his forearm.

Although Jason is an amputee drummer now, he wasn’t always disabled …..Read More

Guiness Book Of Record

Most drumbeats in one minute using a drumstick prosthetic

The most drumbeats in one minute using a drumstick prosthetic is 2,400, achieved by Jason Barnes…

The most drumbeats in one minute using a drumstick prosthetic is 2,400, achieved by Jason Barnes using a prosthetic arm created by Gil Weinberg (both USA) in Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, on 25 July 2018.

Jason Barnes, an amputee drummer, wore an electromyographic band that senses muscle activity from his forearm. The prosthetic arm is triggered by the muscle sensor to start drumming.


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